
24/7 Yelp Response Assist

19 Nov 2021

Respond to Yelp Quotes 24/7/365

As the weather begins to cool and businesses start to prepare for their winter season “ramp-up”, viirl is proud to announce it has, yet again, taken its Yelp game to the next level by releasing a first-to-market Yelp Request-A-Quote autoresponder called, “24/7 Yelp Auto-Response Assist”.

With this release, viirl has armed businesses with a 100% customizable auto-response tool, which can be programmed to run 24/7/365, filtering out “hot or not” leads, and drastically decreasing crucial business-to-prospect response times.

For many viirl clients, the autoresponder has already proved its weight in gold. Within the first month of activating 24/7 Yelp Auto-Response Assist, one single rooftop HVAC business was able to generate:

  • 250+ Yelp RAQs

  • 26% During “Off-Hours”

  • 28% Leads Providing Direct Contact Information

The autoresponder is designed to go out within the first 5 minutes after a service request has been received. Because of this, 24/7 Yelp Auto-Response Assist clients have been able to lower their posted Yelp response times to an industry-low sub 10 minutes, which viirl has found that this one change alone can increase ad delivery and inbound lead volume by as much as 150%!

With Yelp placing such an enormous emphasis on response times, businesses tend to find themselves stuck between focusing on the job or providing quick responses. Here at viirl, we give our clients the ease of knowing they can focus on the job and leave the DM’s to us.

If your business would like to learn more about viirl’s 24/7 Yelp Auto Response Assist, or how you can cut your response time in half, please contact viirl at (480) 530-7657 or yelphelp@viirl.com

Or fill out the form below to learn more: