
Tips On Marketing to Gen Z

17 Sep 2022

Today’s teenagers and young adults have been called the most marketing-savvy generation to date. They are exceptionally tech-aware, almost always connected, and use social media as their primary source of information about brands. As a result, this has forced marketers to change the way they approach marketing to this influential group. A recent report conducted by Murmation revealed some interesting insights on how they respond to different types of marketing messages. This article outlines everything you need to know about marketing to Gen Zers so that your company can develop a successful strategy moving forward.

What is Gen Z?

Gen Z is roughly defined as the generation of people born between 1997 and 2010. Many similarities and characteristics link Gen Z to millennials, making them frequently compared to each other. The Great Recession shaped Gen Z, and they are frequently referred to as the “Hard Times Generation” because they experienced and witnessed so much financial hardship. This has undoubtedly influenced their spending habits and financial attitudes. Gen Z has also grown up in a world where technology is an integral part of daily life. They are the first digital natives, always connected to the internet via smartphones and laptop computers. These days, they rely on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat to learn about brands and the world around them.

Why Is Marketing to Gen Z Important?

Marketing to Gen Z is important for a couple of reasons. First of all, this is the first generation to ever exceed the number of people over the age of 50. Gen Z is expected to make up 30% of the U.S. workforce by 2030. This means that they will soon outnumber Millennials and Boomers. If your company wants to reach customers, you’ll need to start marketing to Gen Z. Secondly, marketing to the younger generation is important because this group has a lot of spending power. This generation has $44 billion in annual spending power and $1.4 trillion in overall buying power. This means that Gen Z has the potential to greatly impact your business’s bottom line. If you want to see success, you’ll need to start marketing to this coveted group of teenagers and young adults.

Gen Z Awareness and Usage of Technology

When it comes to technology, Gen Z awareness is extremely high. It’s no wonder why this generation is so plugged in; they grew up in a world where technology is the primary source of communication and entertainment. Gen Zers are very aware of how to use technology for their own benefit. They are very comfortable using smartphones and laptops, and they feel safer using apps than making a call or sending a text from their phone. Gen Zers connect exceptionally well when it comes to social media. In fact, social media is the top source of information for this generation, with TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat being the most popular platforms for this demographic.

Gen Z Shopping Behavior

One of the biggest misconceptions about Gen Z is that they don’t care about shopping. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, marketers describe Gen Z as “shopaholics” because they love to shop. What has changed, however, is the way they shop. Gen Zers use shopping as a form of self-expression. hey are driven by the desire to express themselves through brands, and they use shopping to do so. This is why Gen Zers seek out brands that align with their personal values and interests. This generation also shops with a purpose. They are the most informed and educated generation to date, and this has led to a shift in Gen Z shopping behavior. Instead of shopping for what they need, Gen Zers shop with a purpose in mind. For example, they might shop for sneakers to wear to their sports games.

Gen Z Brand Engagement

There are a few key things that marketers should keep in mind when it comes to Gen Z brand engagement because of their strong brand engagement. For starters, this generation values authenticity. If a brand isn’t authentic, Gen Zers will notice and move on to another brand. Nothing is more important to this generation than authenticity. In addition, Gen Zers want to be heard and involved. This generation craves engagement and wants to believe that their voice is heard. As digital natives, Generation Zers enjoy being the first to try new things. People of the current generation fixate on novelty. They enjoy being the first to try new apps, brands, and experiences. Gen Zers will quickly become brand evangelists if a brand can offer something new and innovative. Think BeReal, the latest app on the scene that encourages users to share a photo of themselves and their immediate surroundings given a randomly selected two-minute window every day.


When it comes to marketing to Gen Z, it’s important to recognize that each individual is different. One person may respond well to a certain type of marketing, while the next person finds the same approach useless. This is why marketers need to be adaptive and flexible in their approach. If they can tailor their marketing to appeal to everyone, they are much more likely to succeed. To appeal to a generation that is both technologically literate and always on the lookout for the next big thing, marketers will need to offer something novel and exciting.